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In what advertising industry watchers said is a first, a Portland pizza-by-the-slice company has hired homeless people off downtown sidewalks to take part in a guerrilla marketing campaign. They are paid in pizza, soda and a few dollars. A slice of hot, fresh pizza dripping with cheese in return for 40 minutes of holding a sign.... posted on Jun 20 2003, 1,015 reads


He couldn't button his shirt or tie his shoe laces. Bill Porter wasn't your typical door to door salesman. With cerebral palsy and a crippled body, he was declared ineligible to work or do much of anything else; but his mom was unrelenting in her belief that her son would rise above his limitations. She was right. It took him four false starts before he found the courage to ring the first door ... posted on Jun 19 2003, 998 reads


Bird Brains in Action
Birds are smart. In Japan, Carrion crows and humans line up patiently at the signal light. When the lights change, the birds hop in front of the cars and place walnuts, which they picked from the adjoining trees, on the road. After the lights turn green again, the birds fly away and vehicles drive over the nuts, cracking them open. Finally, when it’s time to cross again, the crows join the ped... posted on Jun 18 2003, 1,273 reads


Hello Shalom, Hello Salaam
Natalia Wieseltier, an Israeli, called a friend on her mobile phone but dialed a wrong number. A Palestinian man named Jihad answered. They talked a bit in Hebrew and said goodbye. But her number was recorded on Jihad's cell phone and he called Wieseltier back. They spoke again several times and eventually she spoke to other members of Jihad's family. Now Jihad and his relatives call her after ev... posted on Jun 17 2003, 1,525 reads


... posted on Jun 16 2003, 437 reads


... posted on Jun 15 2003, 715 reads


Infinite Hugs
A 50 year old woman travels the world and gives thousands of hugs everyday! She is not only the world record holder for hugs but also is known as the "hugging saint" who has dedicated her whole life to service. Meet Ammachi.... posted on Jun 14 2003, 935 reads


1/5th of our waste comes from packaging.... posted on Jun 13 2003, 669 reads


Bringing Schools to the Children
One Sunday morning with two cloth bags "full of fun and magic for children" and an innovative idea, Inderjit Khurana stepped onto the railway platform and began teaching. The idea was extremely simple and remarkably effective: rather than working to get children into the schools, why not just bring the school to them? Within a few months, the 'platform school,' as it became known, had over 100 stu... posted on Jun 12 2003, 915 reads


Richmond High student Gustava Bennett-Burrus doesn't do the latest teen dance, the "shakey," and she doesn't carry a backpack with speakers blaring Eminem like the cool kids, but give her a break -- she's 97. It's been nearly nine decades since she dropped out of the fourth grade in a one-room school house in Boley, Okla., to pick cotton on her family's sharecrop farm. She's wished for a high sch... posted on Jun 11 2003, 597 reads


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Flowers are not made by singing "Oh, how beautiful," and sitting in the shade.
Rudyard Kipling

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